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MI 49503


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Solar Energy Revolution: Transforming Communities Empowering Communities |

Sustainability is meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
- United Nations Brundtland Commission - |

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About Us

About Beat Consulting Services (BCS)

Beat Consulting Services (BCS) specialises in preparing sustainability reports and statements for your annual reporting. We handle the entire reporting process, from materiality assessment to stakeholder engagement, information gathering, interviews and data collection, copywriting, and proofreading. We also assist in the GRI verification and external assurance process.

Our Team are highly experienced sustainability analysts and writers dedicated to understand and communicate impacts on EESG issues.

We have worked with a diverse range of clients across all areas of the industry to make impactful and meaningful disclosures.

Why Choose Us


To be a catalyst to achieve our clients sustainable development goals


Equip our clients with Economic, Environmental, Social and Governance (EESG)insight, to better manage risks and address their sustainability impacts.

Our Values

True to the nature of our business, our values are in step with EESG practices.

Our services

Sustainability Report and Statement

Assist in the sustainability reporting process from beginning to end, including the final presentation to the Board of Directors. Prepare meaningful and impactful disclosures following the national and international sustainability frameworks.

Stakeholder Engagement

Develop, maintain, and facilitate interaction as well as dialogue with stakeholders to understand impacts such as climate change, human rights, corruption and other EESG issues.

Materiality Assessment

Help our client identify, prioritise, refine, and assess numerous emerging and current EESG or sustainability issues that could affect your business and stakeholders, condensing them into a shortlist of topics that inform company strategy, targets, and reporting.

Moving Forward Strategies Consultation and Advice

Help businesses mitigate risks, leverage opportunities and implement positive change in response to EESG issues whilst driving commercial performance.


Provide customised research benchmarking, comparing business processes and performance metrics to industry best and best practices from other companies.

Sustainability Index

Align with investors seeking to invest in companies that demonstrate good sustainability practices such; as Financial Time Securities Exchange For for Good(FTSE4Good) and Dow Jone Sustainability Index (DJSI).

We prepare Sustainability Report and Sustainability Statement services
compliant with national and international guidelines as well as industry standards

Our Reporting Frameworks

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+1-(314) 892-2600

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